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A Missed Call

The 21st century has been witnessing a sharp evolution in technological advancement. The human practices of portraying the perpetual development with user-friendly products became habitual. Evolution was once a privilege, but no one thought it will make an extinction inevitable. The competitiveness of market with peer expectations and demands has made the situation more of a criminal case with the environment being a victim and suspects skipping the court trial summons.

The resources have started to bleak and the climate change has turned out to be real. Natural calamities are no more natural. The global frequency of disasters has ridiculously changed resulting approximately 60K deaths per year. The rainfall patterns have tremendous shift in Southern India from past five years with regular showers in November, with the record breaking 2021. Warmer planet initiating rise in sea level in major pacific island countries and territories had impacted a global life cycle and made the nature more tentative than ever. The monotonous approach in waste segregation has dented an overall functioning of the environment. The technology itself has come up with ideologies of renewable energies, but waste management remains an unsolved or rather unpracticed concern. Sustainable waste management has to be a mantra to avoid further calamities. The recent breakthrough with Internet of things (IoT) would be a handful measure to mitigate waste problems. IR and proximity sensors on garbage bins and containers coupled with IoT can be useful for information gathering and analysis of the stored data on cloud, which can give further insights for waste management. These types of smart waste management systems have been already proposed by many leading organizations. Finding ways for disposal in our campuses than occupying landfills, that’s where enterprises start for contribution. In sustainability, the resource consumption and production track is needed to intact the resources, especially when economy and ecology are inversely proportional. In regards to Sustainable Public Procurement of raw materials, production industries can also prevent higher input costs for the systems which have regular maintenance, this will reduce waste and will surely contribute towards sustainability. In a nutshell, we will need technology to quiet down the technological chaos.

The decoupling of past waste management practices is essential in present to expect better prospects of repairing for the future. The financial investment is already employed for securing our future generations, but it won’t age well if we don’t employ ecological investment. There is no bigger motivation than survival, especially when one person is enough to make oneness. The recent climate change is a missed call from nature demanding better from good, otherwise we will be defending worse from getting worst in future. Now the question is how long it will take us to call back?

- Saket Shindikar

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